Looking for something different for your next conference, corporate gathering or team offsite? Try an engagement that truly engages.
I called my company “With Pause” because that’s what I embrace – living a life that embodies true awareness. In my keynotes, I focus on the importance of taking that pause – a pause to consider, a pause to re-direct, a pause to pay attention to people and situations without judgment. Over and over again, I’ve loved seeing that “aha!” moment when my audiences realize how much “pausing” applies to their own lives.
From large corporations like AT &T to mid-size creative agencies to the smallest private preschools, I’ve been invited to share the principles of mindfulness with groups of almost any size, from almost any background, each with their own unique needs and perspectives.
But is this for anyone?
Absolutely! Mindfulness is a universal concept with almost limitless applications. Anyone – teachers, CEOs, parents, coworkers, spouses – can benefit from learning new techniques for reducing stress, improving focus, managing emotional situations and embracing challenges. Everyone feels overwhelmed from time to time, that’s just life. Mindfulness makes those times easier to manage…and further apart.
How does it work?
We review your group’s challenges, goals, and unique stressors and then decide on a program that’s most appropriate. A sample of my keynote topics and presentations:
Business Audiences
- Find Your Wandering Mind: Techniques and Exercises to Get Reconnected
- Purpose Beyond a Paycheck: Reconnect with Creativity to Increase Performance
School Audiences
- Play Attention ™: Bringing Mindfulness into the Classroom
- A Short Attention Plan: Using Mindfulness to Create a Focused, Learning-Ready Environment
General Audiences
- Tame the Lizard: Your Prehistoric Mind in a Modern World
- Where’s Your Head At?: The Neuroscience of Mindfulness
- Brainwave: Transforming Your Thoughts Into Your Reality
- You Have Everything You Need: The Importance of Presence in a Creative World
Let’s get engaged! Contact Renee today!
What Others Have to Say
Renee’s presentation was refreshing at the Seattle Interactive Conference. We live in a world where we are running from meeting to meeting, always connected to our devices and don’t take time to ‘Pause’ and acknowledge ourselves. Renee spoke to a full room of busy business professionals and helped them all be able to be present in the moment. The experience was amazing and unexpected by many of the attendees.”
Brian R., Seattle Interactive Curator
[We] really enjoyed your session. Everyone walked away having learned something and feeling a little inspired. I thought you did a great job of providing helpful information and practical advice that could apply to both business and personal life.”
Creative Agency Summit Participant
You are amazing.”
Creative Agency Summit Participant
This was the best class of the conference by far (and I attended all day Wednesday and yesterday). Everyone should be required to take this workshop.”
Infant and Early Childhood Conference

Sampling of Past Speaking Engagements
Abbott Construction
AT & T
Bridging Hearts and Minds of Youth 2016, 2017
Digitas LBI
DNA Creative
General Assembly
Hemispheres Research
Infant and Early Childhood Conference 2015, 2016, 2017
Northwest Montessori
National Association for the Education of Young Children 2016
Pacific Northwest Montessori Association
PESI – nationwide
PRR Marketing and Advertising
Seattle Interactive 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
The Little School
Washington Association for the Education of Young Children Conference 2015, 2016, 2017
Wedding Network USA
Young Child Expo and Conference 2016, 2018