Back in early 2014, I referenced the slow movement on The Cove blog as my re-entry to the blogging world and bringing mindfulness to those that followed me. You can check out that post here. Last week Costco Connection published its June edition which featured what? You guessed it…the slow movement. Check that out here. Then across my Facebook feed I saw a post from Joanna at A Cup of Jo last week called Trying Out Slow Parenting. Hmmm…I am sensing a pattern. What is this saying about our culture? What are people interested in hearing or knowing more about? I see a desire to slow down. The only person that is going to put the breaks on this fast paced life we live in, a culture of 24/7, is you! Take time and carve out space in your life to just sit and be with no agenda, no place to be, nothing to do. Sounds lovely eh? Not so easy though. I hear lots of excuses – I don’t have time, too much to do, I have kids there is no time for me. Yep…I used to say that too and still do every once in awhile. I promise you though, if you start small and just take those moments as brief as they may be, you will experience a shift. Find a minute in your day that you can carve out to just sit without doing anything else. No phone, no computer, no to do list and just see what happens. You may find your really enjoy it and want more. You may notice that the one minute feels like an eternity. You may notice that during that one minute there are several things that are pressing and you have to just make one more phone call or send one more email. All part of your experience, but just interesting to notice.